Let’s Get Vegan on the Tonight Show!

Vegan or vegetarian diet is catching up faster and no one can deny it. Soon those who shut their eyes will open up and look at it, realizing what they missed.

I have reblogged Celeste’s post to pass the message!

Honk If You're Vegan

I’ve seen veganism negatively stereotyped on TV many times. The latest hit was on the Tonight Show when Jimmy Fallon joked about feeling sorry for the spouses of vegetarians because they’d have to eat yam-burgers. It was about vegetarians, not vegans, but I think the public lumps us all together.

I couldn’t find Fallon’s statement online, but I did find this:


No wonder people assume that vegan food is crappy – that’s what the media is selling! Vegans know differently, but it’s hard to compete with Hollywood.

Or maybe we can…

Celeb plant-based chef known for The Great Food Truck Race and owner of Seabirds Kitchen, Stephanie Morgan, and I want to get on the Tonight Show and blow Fallon’s socks off with amazing vegan food.

Here’s a photo of the lovely Stephanie.

9355228_orig Celeb chef and owner of Seabirds Kitchen, Stephanie Morgan

But we need your help!

We need BUZZ to for this to fly. So let’s make some…

View original post 48 more words

About coconutcraze

I'm obsessed with coconuts!
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4 Responses to Let’s Get Vegan on the Tonight Show!

  1. Thank you sooooo much for sharing this!! I really appreciate it and have my fingers crossed that we’ll actually get on the Tonight Show. Hugs! Celeste 🙂


  2. Balvinder says:

    Most Indians follow vegetarian diet and some of them I know are vegans. I had no idea that people think vegan food as ‘Gross’. My daughter watches Jimmy Fallon show, so was it today?


  3. coconutcraze says:

    I did not watch the show but hear vegetarians being ridiculed all the time. It is high time to make the world realize some real facts about vegetarianism!


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